1500 Postcards delivered to Prime Minister

A Voice for Christian Education

1500 Postcards delivered to Prime Minister

The first tranche of 1556 signed postcards from concerned teachers, parents and students have been delivered to the Prime Minister. The postcards call on the Prime Minister to honour his commitment to faith leaders on 12 April 2024 that religious freedom protections “Will not go backwards while I’m Prime Minister of Australia.” The delivery of the cards was supported by Dr Anne Webster MP, Senator Matt O’Sullivan, Senator David Fawcett, Senator Wendy Askew, Mr Henry Pike MP.

The postcards were signed at sold out Town Hall Events in Brisbane, Sydney and Perth, organised in response to the recent controversial recommendations released by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). If accepted by the Government, they would prevent Christian schools from employing only Christian teachers and staff who share and can teach the same values and beliefs of the school.

It is expected that more signed postcards from the three further Town Hall events which have been held in Launceston and Melbourne, along with the final event planned in Adelaide on Wednesday 12 June will also be delivered to Mr Albanese.