Executive Officer, Vanessa Cheng, has written to the federal Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus expressing concerns about the government’s Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2024 in relation to its potential impact on free speech and religious expression. Read More
AACS are pleased to announce the launch of our inaugral Advocacy and Policy Summit. With a federal election around the corner, this is a crucial time to be speaking up for parental choice in education and the freedom to employ Christian teachers and staff. …Read More
The 'Misinformation Bill' to regulate speech on Social Media has been officially withdrawn by the Government. AACS is pleased to see ABC Online report that Communications…Read More
AACS along with nine other prominent Australian organizations and experts, who advocate for children's welfare and family-friendly media, have provided a Position Statement to the review of the Commercial…Read More
Vanessa Cheng, AACS Executive Officer and David Gillman, CEO of Christian Schools Tasmania spoke at the Public Hearing on the Inquiry into Discrimination and Bullying in Tasmanian Schools in Hobart last week. Vanessa and David provided evidence to the committee about…Read More
AACS Board Members and Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng hosted two tables at the annual National Prayer Breakfast which was held at Parliament House in Canberra at the start of the November Sitting Week. The story of ‘grace’ was well received by the politicians and VIPs who attended. Pictured…Read More
AACS is deeply concerned that the proposed changes to Victoria’s anti-vilification laws will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression within our schools and the broader community. The vague and overly…Read More
Could posting a Bible verse be cancelled as "disinformation" under the federal Government's proposed Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill. The proposed law would give the Australian Communications and Media Authority powers to…Read More
Independent Schools Australia (ISA) Snapshot of key characteristics shows that 82% of Independent schools have a religious affiliation. The report also estimates that recurrent savings to governments from across the entire Independent school sector is $7.1 billion per annum. You…Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng was recently inteviewed on Vision Radio Network by Neil Johnson on 20Twenty Podcasts. Vanessa shared the results of the Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng was a keynote speaker at the Association of Christian Schools International Public Policy and Advocacy Summit in Washington…Read More
A report by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) revealed that Australian students exposure to bullying behaviours was higher than the OECD average and that students in Tasmania reported greater levels of bullying behaviours than students in all jurisdictions. In…Read More
AACS is delighted to announce a new Member School to our Association. William Carey Christian School is a non-denominational Christian School from Prep to Year 12, located in Prestons NSW. The school’s motto “Expect great things from…Read More
MEDIA RELEASE 2 September 2024 An alliance of Christian school associations has today released significant findings from its survey of over 5,000 teaching and non-teaching staff across Christian…Read More
Northern Territory Election Result Provides Faith for the Future The Australian Association of Christian Schools congratulates the leader of the Country Liberal Party, Lia Finocchiaro, on the successful election result in the Northern Territory. A…Read More
The NSW Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 was slated for debate in Parliament this month, but has now…Read More
“Christian schools want to focus on education, not litigation, and need a clear ‘positive right’ to continue employing staff who share their values and beliefs." stated Vanessa Cheng, Executive Officer of AACS in a Read More
AACS, along with Christian Schools Australia (CSA), Adventist Schools Australia (ASA), and Associated Christian Schools (ACS) have made a submission to the Independent Human Rights Review of…Read More
It was wonderful that AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng could meet Queensland Attorney General Hon. Yvette D’ath along with colleagues from Christian Schools Australia and Associated Christian Schools to discuss the Read More
More than 2,200 signed postcards have been delivered to the Prime Minister in conjunction with the launch of a new campaign for a “positive right” for Christian schools and other religious educational institutions. This comes off the back of the ‘Faith In Our Future’ town…Read More
It was a packed event at the second Parliamentary Friends of Religious Schools and Faith Communities gathering this week. Over thirty Senators and MPs attended along with key leaders of religious schools associations. Hon. Dr Andrew Leigh, Assistant Minister for Competition,…Read More
The Prime Minister promised the Australian people that his government would not allow religious freedoms to go backwards. We need to remind him to keep that promise! Read More
The Hon. Yvette D'Ath, the Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence introduced the Respect…Read More
Christian schools are calling on Minn’s Government to do better than the Committee on Community Services, listen to the people of New South Wales, and reject the misnamed Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023. In their report into the Bill released…Read More
Professor Mark Fowler delivered a speech at the Christian Schools National Policy Forum in Canberra today comparing the consistency of the Australian Law Reform Commission's Report recommendations with Australia’s…Read More
The first tranche of 1556 signed postcards from concerned teachers, parents and students have been delivered to the Prime Minister. The postcards call on the Prime Minister to honour his commitment to faith leaders on 12 April 2024 that religious freedom protections “Will not go…Read More
Faith in our Future Town Hall Events are hosted by MyChristianSchool - which is an alliance between Australian Association of Christian Schools, Christian Schools Australia and Associated Christian Schools. This alliance was created in…Read More
Detailed and genuine concerns expressed by faith leaders, and supported by Christian schools, have been dismissed by the Premier and Queensland Government according to reports in the media today. A letter…Read More
Christian schools have welcomed the commitment from the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, that religious freedom protections for faith groups “Will not go backwards while I’m Prime Minister of Australia”. The commitment, made in a meeting of key faith leaders and…Read More
It’s been very encouraging to see Federal MPs visit our AACS member schools and see how Christian schools are shaping tomorrow’s leaders with faith and knowledge.Thank you Ms Meryl Swanson MP, Federal Member for Paterson for taking the time to celebrate our Christian…Read More
Recent polling of the Australian public has reaffirmed the extensive backing for Christian schools and their entitlement to uphold their beliefs. The independent polling, conducted from 1 – 16 March by Compass Polling, demonstrated strong public support for the necessary…Read More
It was a wonderful opportunity for Vanessa Cheng from AACS, along with Mark Spencer from Christian Schools Australia to bless our hardworking MPs, Senators and their staff in Parliament House with a box of delicious Hot Cross Buns. The Hot Cross…Read More
Vanessa Cheng, Executive Officer at AACS signed an Open Letter along with leaders from many faith communities to Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, the Prime Minister of Australia, sharing that we are are deeply disappointed with the proposed reforms outlined by the Australian Law Reform…Read More
Faith Leaders are calling on the Minns Government in NSW to provide clarity and certainty for parents and schools by amending the Read More
The Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General have released the Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024 (the Bill) which has largely adopted all of the recommendations…Read More
21 March 2024 Christian school groups have categorically denounced recommendations in today’s report by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to remove the right of faith-based schools to employ staff who share their…Read More
Executive Officer, Vanessa Cheng met with Hon Ed Husic MP, the Federal Minister for Industry and Science, at Tyndale Christian School in Blacktown NSW. The Principal, Rebecca Hall had invited the Minister to see the progress of their new Science Building Project and to…Read More
Last year AACS were invited to provide direct feedback on behalf of our member schools and have now provided a joint submission with Christian Schools Australia (CSA) in relation to the Review of Section83C of the Education Act 1990 (NSW). In our submission we…Read More
AACS and CSA have submitted a joint response to the Tasmanian Government’s consultation on a Bill seeking to ban ‘conversion practices’ that attempts to change or eradicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of another person. In their submission, AACS and CSA indicated…Read More
Vanessa Cheng, Executive Officer at AACS, along with Alistair Macpherson from Associated Christian Schools & Mark Spencer from Christian Schools Australia spoke at a Productivity Commission Public Inquiry hearing in Sydney on their submission to the draft report Read More
AACS, along with other faith colleges, schools and representative bodies, signed a Statement asking the Federal government to reallocate surplus…Read More
As a key player in the negotiations to the United Nations Declaration, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2023, Australia wholeheartedly subscribed to its text and its spirit. The drafters of the Declaration undertook the task of drafting the human rights principles…Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng along with Canberra religious school leaders were grateful for the opportunity to meet with Independant Senator David Pocock to discuss concerns about the Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry and the Government’s promised Religious Discrimination…Read More
AACS embraced the commitment from Australia’s Education Ministers to work together to get every…Read More
Christmas cards from Australian Association of Christian Schools and Christian Schools Australia. have been sent to every federal minister and Senator from Albanese to Zappia, sharing the good news of Christ and of Christian Schools. Our political leaders don’t hear nearly…Read More
AACS have sent out a joint media release with Christian Schools Australia and Associated Christian Schools sending our congratulations on the launch of 'Be That Teacher' campaign by the Federal and State governments. We strongly support seeing more inspiring people become…Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng met with Attorney General Hon Mark Dreyfus KC, MP to discuss ALRC and Religious Freedom. The meeting was also attended by Mark Spencer from Christian Schools Australia; Alistair Macpherson, from Associated Christian Schools; John Metcalfe, representing…Read More
AACS welcomed the launch of the Parliamentary Friends of Religious Schools and Faith Communities in Canberra on Monday, providing an opportunity for Parliamentarians across all political parties to gather and discuss issues of importance to the fastest growing…Read More
We are thankful for the faith and dedication of Christian school teachers who play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their students. They are not only as educators but also mentors and role models who exemplify faith, compassion, and dedication. Senator for Western…Read More
The recent release of the Disability Royal Commission Report has prompted many responses to its findings, particularly on the prospect of phasing out special schools. Mrs Dianne Dowson, Director of Read More
AACS was invited to speak to the Parliamentary Public Hearing for the Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework which is reviewing the scope and effectiveness of the 2010 Human Rights Framework and the National Human Rights Action Plan. Vanessa Cheng appeared alongside…Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng was honoured to meet NSW Premier Chris Minns along with Mark Spencer from Christian Schools Australia at a gala dinner held at Sydney Olympic Park to mark the launch of 'Faith NSW'. The coalition - comprised of Islamic, Hindu, Christian,…Read More
The NSW Government is proposing to introduce laws banning LGBTQ ‘conversion practices’ that may affect the way parents, teachers, chaplains and counsellors can provide best care options for young people. AACS support laws that protect people from being forced to change…Read More
The WA Law Reform Commission has recommended the Government make changes to the Equal Opportunity Act 1984. that would significantly impact Christian and other faith -based schools. These changes would have the impact of restricting our ability to employ Christian staff across…Read More
AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng had the opportunity to speak at the Victorian State CEN Conference. Vanessa has been speaking at many conferences and meetings around Australia about the work of AACS and key issues facing our Christian schools. AACS is encouraging…Read More
Vanessa Cheng from the Australian Association of Christian Schools and Stephen McAlpine from City to City Australia recently had a four-part conversation on the challenges facing Christian schools…Read More
The Victorian Goverment have just announced further details on the payroll tax being levied on non-government schools. Non-government schools with income per student of more than $15,000 will be subject to payroll tax under laws that come into effect on 1 July 2024. This…Read More
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights is conducting an Inquiry: to review the scope and effectiveness of…Read More
It has been a busy week all round for political meetings in Parliament House this week. AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng has met with over 20 MPs and Senators, including the federal Education Minister, Jason Clare MP (pictured middle below) along with…Read More
The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) is calling upon the Victorian Government to urgently review their shock Budget decision to remove the payroll exemption tax for independent schools. “Our schools hold grave concerns about how they will afford to pay…Read More
Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng was involved in a robust virtual roundtable discussion with other governing bodies of independent schools where significant concerns were raised with Cheryl Vardon, who is leading the review, about the implementation of the current accreditation…Read More
AACS have submitted a Response to Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) Consultation Paper “Updating the Fair Work Act 2009 to provide stronger protections for workers against discrimination”.Read More
The announcement today by the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP that he has agreed to an extension for the reporting date for the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) review of religious exemptions for educational institutions comes as no surprise to Christian schools. “We welcome…Read More
We are pleased to announce the launch of the new MyChristianSchool.au website which can also be found on Facebook and Read More
Our AACS Executive Officer, Vanessa Cheng recently wrote an article for Education Australia about why an increasing number of parents are choosing Christian Schools if fewer Australians identify as Christians. It also clearly explains why AACS has been calling upon the Federal…Read More
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released its Consultation Paper which you can read HERE. The Paper sets out four general propositions supported by 14 technical proposals for reform. If adopted,…Read More
The Australian Law Reform Commission has opened a confidential survey for anyone to share their personal experiences of religious schools. AACS encourages any current…Read More
The ACT Government tabled the Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022 with debate to resume in the new year. Although there are still many areas of concerns in the final version of Bill, there are…Read More
16 NOVEMBER 2022 The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) agrees with comments made by Catholic Bishop Charles Gauci on Katie Woolf’s 360 program this morning that the NT Government’s proposed changes to the Discrimination Act could cause…Read More
New research shows large support for religious schools in Australia and for legal protections for those schools to remain authentic religious communities in support of parents to choose the education they want for their children. The latest research shows: Three…Read More
4 NOVEMBER 2022 The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) welcomes the referral by Attorney General Mark Dreyfus to the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to review the religious exemptions for educational institutions in Federal anti-discrimination…Read More
The Northern Territory Attorney-General, Hon Chansey Paech MLA, has introduced the Anti-Discrimination Bill 2022 into the NT Legislative Assembly which…Read More
Christian school staff, parents, alumni and supporters in Queensland are encouarged to sign the following e-petition HERE which states: To…Read More
The Productivity Commission has released an interim report of its five-year productivity inquiry, 'From learning to growth', on the efficiency and productivity…Read More
Western Australian parents who are concerned about the Law Reform Commission Report's recommendations to remove to restrict the freedom of Christian…Read More
The Report of the Queensland Human Rights Commission's Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) was tabled in Parliament by Attorney-General Hon Shannon Fentiman MP yesterday. You can read the final report HERE. The…Read More
WA Attorney-General, Hon John Quigley MLA, has given "broad support" to 163 Recommendations of the Law Reform Commission final report into the State's Equal Opportunity Act. You can read the final report HERE. While…Read More
The Northern Territory Department of the Attorney-General and Justice released the draft Anti Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022 for public…Read More
Last year, the Justice and Community Safety Directorate of the ACT Government released a Discussion…Read More
New research shows growing support for religious freedom laws in Australia, with strong calls for the Albanese Government to re-introduce religious anti-discrimination legislation to Parliament. The latest research shows: Three out…Read More
A highly successful Teaching School model has been featured by the Daily…Read More
23 May 2022 The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) congratulates Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his team on forming government and being sworn in this morning. Read More
27 April 2022 Local Christian schools are calling on Macquarie MP Susan Templeman to commit to supporting religious freedoms, as the Federal Election campaign gains pace. In…Read More
17 March 2022 Back in November, the Queensland Human Rights Commission released a Discussion Paper outlining…Read More
7 March 2022 Early voting starts today for the South Australian State election, where South Australians will get a say in who governs them for the next four years. AACS is seeking to make religious freedom and authentic Christian schooling election issues.…Read More
10 February 2022 The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) calls upon all Senators to reject amendments to the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 that will impact the…Read More
4 February 2022 The Australian Association of Christian Schools (AACS) welcomes the release of the two parliamentary committee reports today, which recommend the passage of the Government’s…Read More