WA Petition - Leave faith-based schools alone

A Voice for Christian Education

WA Petition - Leave faith-based schools alone

The WA Law Reform Commission has recommended the Government make changes to the Equal Opportunity Act 1984. that would significantly impact Christian and other faith -based schools. These changes would have the impact of restricting our ability to employ Christian staff across all roles within the school and impact the ability of schools to manage enrolments to reflect an alignment with the beliefs of the school.

The Government has talked about introducing legislation to make these changes this year, however, at the same time the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is looking at changes to Commonwealth law. We believe there is no urgency to make changes to the WA law, and considerable benefits to ensuring that Commonwealth and State laws align.

We are asking for your help to encourage the WA Government to hold off on changes to the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 until after the ALRC has delivered its final report to Government (due at the end of this year).

Please sign the WA Parliament e-Petition:  We are asking all  those involved in school communities to please spend 2-3 minutes and sign this e-petition on the Western Australian Parliament website.

We are aiming to get 30,000 signatures to send a strong message to the government. Both parents in a family can sign to double the impact.

You can also scan the QR Code to be taken to the petition.